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Lesson Policy

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Individual Lesson Policy


The most effective way to improve as a player of a stringed instrument is to take individual lessons.  This is the historical apprenticeship model which allows a young person to have the full attention of a master teacher on a weekly basis.  The DGSP will provide a highly qualified artist-teacher (MEET INSTRUCTORS) for each student and arrange a schedule and location for these lessons.  A standard rate will be charged per semester.  For those who are unable to pay this rate, we invite you to apply for scholarship assistance (APPLY FOR SCHOLARSHIP).

Locations:  lessons will be offered by the DGSP at our Petoskey studios (438 East Lake Street) and at Christ Episcopal Church in Charlevoix (200 State Street). 


Student Age Range:  lessons are available to children from pre-school through high school.  Both Suzuki and traditional methods are available.  (READ MORE)


Schedule:  Weekly lessons will be offered in 30, 45 and 60 minute increments.  Younger students and beginners would be encouraged to take 30 minute lessons while more advanced students should consider hour-long lessons.


Instruments and music:  Parents are responsible for the purchase or rental of an instrument and for purchasing whatever music is required by the teacher.  Resources may be acquired through these (SHAR, Guarneri, Marshalls), though parents are encouraged to consult with the lesson teacher before making a purchase.


Payment:  Lesson fees will be billed by the month. A lesson invoice is sent the first week of each month and payment is due by the 15th of each month. Payments can be made online or by personal check delivered the Charlevoix Circle of Arts and made payable to the Charlevoix Circle of Arts. For those who need assistance, a scholarship application is available (SCHOLARSHIPS).


2018 - 2019 Individual Lessons - 


30 minute lessons                   ($25 per lesson)
45 minute lessons                   ($35 per lesson)
60 minute lessons                   ($45 per lesson)


2018 - 2019 Suzuki Lessons - 

30 minute lessons                   ($15 per lesson)


Cancellation policy:  weekly attendance is a very important part of the lesson program, but if a student has an unresolvable schedule conflict, we require 24 hour notice in order to be able to count the absence as one of the two allotted or to arrange a make-up lesson time.  If you know about an upcoming absence in advance, please email Dr. Reimer at  If a late-occurring situation comes about (illness or family emergency), please contact Dr. Reimer at (616)828-8321.

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